Monday, September 12, 2011

Solid dates

Our donor is ready!  It's a day later than expected.  She gets her HCG shot today.  Wednesday is her egg retrieval surgery.  Thursday they will call us and let us know how many eggs there were and how many fertilized.  They will also let us know our transfer date.  It could be Saturday (for a 3 day transfer) or Monday (for a 5 day transfer).  The doc says I have to lay low the day of and the day after the transfer.......movies and reading.  I am not supposed to do any exercise that will raise my body temperature until I get a pregnancy test at the end of the month.   This is different from my last IVF at a different doctor's office.  They sent me back to work after my transfer and also told me I could exercise that same day!

In addition to my nightmares (3 so far) about these upcoming shots (that start Wednesday, boo!), is a conversation that Dave had with me tonight.  What prevents a donor from coming back and claiming her baby at some point?  Good question.  The doctors have done an excellent job shielding us from these legal issues.  It makes me nervous that the doctors are nervous about answering such questions.  Dave has an appointment with them on Wednesday and he plans to ask this question.  For me, ignorance is bliss.  I choose not to think of such things.

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