Well, we have a blissful moment of peace in the house. Babies are fed and changed and sleeping in Dave and his friend, Frank's arms. I have a little back-tracking to do!!
Last Saturday, I was feeling crampy and yucky all day. I knew I was having labor pains, but I also knew that we were still 6 days away from c-section and I didn't think I had dilated any more. So, I got through the day and tried to go to sleep. I was very restless and couldn't sleep, still having cramps. Around 1:45am, I felt a huge GUSH of water. Yay! My water broke! Time to get things moving!!
I woke Dave and we called the doctor and they said to come to the hospital for an immediate c-section. We got to the hospital around 2:30a. Dave was letting me off at the main entrance. As soon as I stood up to get out of the car, GUSH! again! There were a handful of people in the waiting room getting a great show! My pants were soaked and I wasn't in the mood to walk all the way to maternity. Dave got me a wheelchair and took me up. They put me in triage and started prepping me for c-section and had me monitored for non-stress tests/heartbeats. During this time, I was having real contractions about every 7-8 minutes. They weren't horrible, but they weren't pleasant. We got bumped twice for the c-section and ended up waiting until 6:45am to get taken in.
The spinal was scaring the living daylights out of me. The first needle stick surprised me and I jumped, but after that, it wasn't that bad.....except for my imagination. I couldn't feel anything but pins and needles in my legs. They brought Dave in and he did a great job taking pictures. He did not pass out and seemed to have a great time checking out the whole procedure.
On Sunday, May 20, 2012, James Frank (baby A) was born at 7:12am and weighed 7 lb 12 oz and measured 20.5 inches long. William Michael (baby B) was born at 7:13am and weighed 6 lb 15 oz and measured 20.5 inches long. Dave was so involved with taking picture of James, that he didn't realize William would come so fast.....so he missed his entrance!! All of us went to recovery together. Both babies were having trouble maintaining their temperatures, so they kept putting them in warmers. The nurse gave me a Percocet and it made me throw up for about 2 hours. That was miserable. After that, I just stuck to Motrin and was fine.
The recovery from c-section is way worse than I thought. Throughout my 4 days in the hospital, they removed my catheter, IV, and leg massagers. On the last day, they removed my staples. I still haven't even looked at my incision site. I just don't want to know!! Being forced to move around and take care of the babies is helping me feel better faster. It's been a full week now. We are trying to get into a schedule at home, but basically it's eat, sleep, eat, sleep, etc! The babies are everything we dreamed of and already it feels like time is moving too fast!
What a journey!
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