Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 27

We had another growth ultrasound this morning.  Baby A weighs in at 3.2 lbs. and baby B is 3.1 lbs.  They are about 2 weeks ahead of where they should be on growth....which is great.  They measured my cervix one last time and it is 1.9 cm.  It still hasn't changed much.  From here on out, they won't be able to measure it.  Instead, I'll just have to watch for contractions as a signal that it's getting shorter.  Baby A is now head-down and baby B is breech, and almost positioned sideways.  They are really moving lately!  Sometimes I feel like I'm being attacked.  One will start and that always wakes up the other, so they will both be moving around.  So, things look great with the babies.  My weight is 174 lbs, up 3 lbs from 2 weeks ago.  My middle measurement is still 43 inches around.  I took off of work just in time.  I'm exhausted doing even the simplest thing, like taking a shower.  My heart if working's like I'm running a marathon!  I spend the days doing little chores around the house for about 20 minutes and then laying down for about 1-2 hours.  The next appointment is in 2 weeks and is just a doctor visit.  Then 2 weeks after that we'll have another growth ultrasound.  Ten and a half weeks left to go!!  :)

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