Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 25

Uncomfortable!  That's what I should have titled this entry because I'm uncomfortable 100% of the time now.  We went to the doctor for our weekly ultrasound.  Everything looks good with the babies.  Baby A is 2.3 lbs. and Baby B is 2.2 lbs.  Their mama weighs in at 171 lbs now and is 43 inches around the middle.  Dave was trying to tell me that that is what he weighs.  He's skinny, but not THAT skinny.  I made him get on the scale at the doctor's office and he is 180.  Soon, very soon, I will outweight him.  Anyway, back to the babies.  They are in the 90th %ile for size/weight.  Big boys!

My cervix is the shortest it's been so far.  Approximately 1.5 cm.  While it's very much in the danger zone, it hasn't changed too drastically.  They questioned me about having contractions and want me to call them immediately if I should think I'm having any.  To my knowledge, I'm not having any yet.  I've been so extremely tired at work that I asked them about that.  They told me they would take me out at any point.  I asked them to give me the rest of this week and that I'd be ready after that.  So, I'm scrambling at work to get things ready for a substitute.  I plan on taking a parental leave until next May.  While I love my job and love going to work, I think I'm going to need this break to focus on these baby boys and getting some sort of schedule back into my life.  They will be just over a year old when I go back to school.  I got 2 spots for daycare all set up and am thankful for that!  It's the same person who watched Evan for the first 5 years of his life and I think she's fabulous.

I'm having a somewhat severe pain in the front of my stomach, which the doctor thinks is a pulled muscle.  Ouch!  Other than that, we're back to seeing the doctor every 2 weeks now.  They won't have to measure my cervix anymore because a) they really can't get a good read on it this far along in the pregnancy and b)  it doesn't matter now that the babies are viable.  My next personal goal is to get to 28 weeks, which means much less health issues should they be born too early.

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