Monday, June 27, 2011


We had a doctor's appointment this morning for my "mock transfer".  Not bad, done in less than 10 minutes.  Now we both have to go for a bunch of bloodwork to make sure we don't have any STD's or AIDS.  Can I tell you how many times we've both had to get tested for this junk?  Does it matter that we've already had all these tests?  Nope.  "It's just part of our procedure."

After the mock transfer we met with the egg donor coordinator, thinking we would be looking at donor profiles.  Again, nope.  "Sorry, we can't do that until after you're done with your mock drug cycle.  It's part of our procedure."  Dave kind of lost it in his "Dave-way".  We've had so many set-backs.  Dave asked if we could look at donor profiles NOW and as soon as my mock drug cycle is done, be ready to MOVE on a donor.  This would potentially get us about 1 month closer.  They couldn't answer this question, and quite honestly the egg donor coordinator was completely pissing us both off with her non-answers.  The doctor is meeting with the head of the donor program tomorrow and will be asking this question for us.  I don't think they're going to go for it.  I think Dave is going to flip out on them.

The stress of all this, in addition to the fact that Dave cannot understand why it's so upsetting for me to have so many friends/family all having babies right now had me in tears all the way to the appointment, during the appointment, and after the appointment.  This is killing me.  I need someone to talk to.  My mom......or a counselor.  Sob.

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