Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shot update

Well, I have given in to letting Dave "practice" giving me my Lupron shots.  I don't like this at all, but I'm resigned to the fact that he is going to have to give me many of those big shots in a couple of weeks, so I want him to get comfortable with jabbing me.  He's doing fine, but this is a tiny needle and easy to give.  I'm still completely freaking out with the shots that will start on September 13th.  I was able to get a friend of mine to give me the shots when Dave is not here.  Hopefully, the plan will be that I stop at her house each morning on the way to school.  If it turns out that I'm pregnant (which I am becoming less and less hopeful about the closer we get to the transfer), I'm thinking that my "diagnosis" of infertility will change and I might be able to get the insurance company to send a visiting nurse.  We'll see.

The doctor never called Dave back about a written contract.  We're really, really displeased with Strong.  Our last fertility doctor was so accomodating and always available.  Strong is a factory.....and we are on an assembly line.  They don't even fake that we mean anything to them.  It's a really crappy feeling.  Sooooo......Dave ended up calling them today and giving them his credit card sans contract.  I hope we don't get screwed.

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