Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Mama

So, I did some more homework.  It turns out that surrogacy is legal in New York as long as you know the person and no money is exchanged.  Wow.  Nope, definitely not for me.  I'm too much of a control freak.  So, we're back to talking about using an egg donor.  Not an easy decision.  But, what is our other option?  Adoption.  Due to my age, we will not be able to adopt a new-born. And we could wait for years for a child.  I've read so much scary stuff about adopting.  At this point, I'm not ready.  At least using an egg donor will give us a new-born and the baby will be genetically Dave's.  I'm okay with that.  I keep telling myself that.  I'm okay with that.  It's okay that I don't get to pass my genes for near-sighted eyes, thin hair, and a pointed nose to my potential baby.  But....but.....I also don't get to pass my tallness, my artistic-ness, my Perkins humor, and the way I look like my mom and my grandmother.  I'm okay with that. Right?  So we argued all weekend about what our baby mama is going to look like.  We'll never get to see her.  We'll get to read lots of stuff about her.  We get to make requests.  I want someone tall and thin.  Dave wants someone athletic and smart.  Hey!  Those aren't things our baby would have gotten from me naturally.  Thus, the arguments.  The requests were mailed today.  We'll see if I have a fertile, young "twin" out there who's ready to sell her eggs.

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